The dough!!!!

The dough!!!!

How do you start your very first article? is what comes to mind as I type this. Should it be extra ordinary or "the bomb". A bit of introduction is a good place to start. My name is Samuel Balogun, I like to see myself as the average tech enthusiast, always wanting to learn new things but after several months of trying or "thinking of trying", I never actually make any progress.

I have always enjoyed dabbling with design and front end javascript, I launched my first wapka site in 2014... A very dull and uninviting one, and over the years, written one or two css and html, with a few javascript and called myself a front-end developer, but who am I really kidding. I was ready to give up any thing development when I saw a post about and about a month later, I saw a friend of mine log onto her dashboard. Omo x100!!!!! I sharply asked before I'll dull myself... And that's how I got to know about

I joined sidehustle 21st of June, or at least that's when my internship started. I have to say I havent regretted the experience so far, from the intersting quizzes and tasks to voice chat's classes to the struggle for top positions and lot of other things to mention, it's been great, I have to say.....Though I haven't been the top of my field here but it give me the motivation I need to try new things, and the tasks helps you know what you can do and what you can't.

I mean even this is part of a task, See me writting lines of an article, "my people will be proud". Well before I dash into whatever writers would call the zone. Here's a link to a website I worked on " LINK ". Yessssss! it's also a task... It honestly just blows my mind everythime I think of it.

Blank stare

Ehm........Thank you for reading?

Samuel Balogun.